The I, Claudia Issue, Autumn 2009 |
Issue 48
DAVID THOMAS BROUGHTON: finding method in musical madness
FACTORY FLOOR: the London trio on work, art and mechanical production
THE XX: where dubstep, Robert Smith and 1980s pop-soul collides
MICHACHU & THE SHAPES: from an impressive musical education to wild innovation
HYPE WILLIAMS: no hi-tech videos, just lo-fi tunes
WILD BEASTS: the boys from Leeds are back, still red in tooth and claw
FLASH FICTION: this issue’s offerings of 300 words or less
SIZE ISNT EVERYTHING: Minsuk Cho and Mass Studies make buildings that eschew Dubai-style scale in favour of lateral thinking
LICENSE TO THRILL: Sung-Joo Kim’s vision of a profitable and relevant luxury-branded future
WASTE NOT WANT NOT: the cream of Korea’s contemporary artists make new worlds from old
TIME MACHINE: Koolhas, Prada make architectural history in motion
A DAY OF RECKONING: Peter Day, the BBC’s veteran business correspondent, on the financial crisis currently engulfing the world
LOOK BACK ON ANGER: a tribute to the gritty charms of Korean cinema
COUTURE AND CULTURE: Vivienne Westwood and Hans Ulrich Obrist talk punk myths, brand promises and the cult of consumption
I WANT IT ALL AND I WANT IT NOW: as far as media old and new are concerned, this has been the year of real-time everything. Are we on the brink of a new kind of democracy or just universal Attention Deficit Disorder
A VIEW STORY: Paulina Olowska on the ways we create and consume art
THE DARK AND THE LIGHT: Viviane Sassen photographs a different vision of Africa
LINDSAY’S WORLD: photograpahy by Julia Kennedy, styling by Pandora Lennard
DO LOOK NOW: photography by Fletcher Cowan, curated by Elmgreen and Dragset
PARIS IS BURNING: photography by Olivier Zahm, styling by Yasmine Eslami
I CLAUDIA: photography by Luis Sanchis, Styling by Yasmine Eslami
WHOS THAT GIRL: photography by Gilad Sasporta, styling by Daul Kim